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How to Diagnose a Fever with Body Heat Detection Camera

If you own a proper device that will help you measure a temperature, the process is as simple as it can be. However, even if you do not own anything, you will be able to determine whether someone has a fever or not.

This is especially important to monitor children and babies. Generally, everyone knows that elevated body temperature is when it rises above 100.4 degrees F for a prolonged period.

Keep in mind that this particular condition does not require treatment in most cases, and you can handle it with household remedies to reduce the symptoms.

Learn everything about fever by clicking here for additional info.

However, if you have a high fever, then you should visit a doctor to see what is going on and what the underlying reason is for it.

You should check with your doctor in case you have a fever in combination with chest pain and difficulty breathing, other worsening symptoms, and severe swelling or pain.

How to Detect a Fever Without a Thermometer?

Most people can detect the signs that they have an alleviated temperature since it can be the form of warmth in combination with other symptoms.

Of course, everyone has a different perspective when it comes to fever, which means that we cannot detect the accurate body temperature.

The most common methods for detecting a fever without a thermometer include:

  • Touching the Forehead – You can detect someone’s temperature by touching his/hers’ forehead with the back of the hand. Of course, a feverish state means that the person’s forehead is very hot. However, that could be inaccurate in some situations if you wish to touch your forehead to determine whether you have a fever that may be problematic because you may not feel anything at all. That is the main reason why you should find someone to help you. You can also check it out by resting your cheek against someone’s forehead, but in the case of COVID-19, you should avoid doing it for contagious reasons. It would help if you always wash your cheek afterward.
  • Pinching the Hand – One of the most common symptoms of fever includes dehydration. If you wish to determine the process, you can gently pinch someone’s skin on the back of the hand and let it go while watching. In well-hydrated people, the skin will get back into the place in a matter of seconds. However, if the skin moves slowly, it is a common sign of dehydration. Of course, remember that this particular method is still inaccurate, and dehydration is not always a symptom of fever.
  • Flushing in the Cheeks – You should check in the mirror for signs of flushed cheeks to detect whether someone has this particular problem. If the cheeks appear purple or reddish, or different color than usual, the problem may persist.
  • Urine Color – This is another indication that you have issues with fever because dehydration will make urine different from usual. It means that it will be more concentrated, which will become orange or dark yellow and have odor, among other things.

Remember that other symptoms and signs of fever include chills, headache, sweating, shivering, general fatigue, weak muscles, aching and soreness, inability to concentrate, and loss of appetite, among other things.

Detect Fever with Thermometer

In case you have a thermometer, the process is fair, simple, and straightforward. You can find numerous types of thermometers, including:

  • Oral – This particular one requires taking the body temperature in the mouth. Most of them are digital, and they will beep after finished reading. Therefore, they are as simple as can be. They are perfect for adults because a person has to close the mouth and keep it inside the for at least twenty seconds to get the proper reading. It should rest under the tongue and center of the mouth, and as soon as it beeps, you will be able to determine the body heat levels.
  • Ear Thermometer – On the other hand, you can also use the thermometers for eardrums, which are most common in doctor’s offices, but you can find the household models as well. They are accurate and fast, which means that you will get results in a matter of seconds. They are perfect options for infants and children because it is challenging for them to sit for a long time.
  • Forehead – These thermometers became highly popular for household usage, and they are accurate. They are perfect for children because they come with fast readings, and you can rest assured. You can find two versions in which you should place it on the temporal artery in the forehead, and it uses infrared light to measure the fever. The second one includes a plastic strip that you place on someone’s forehead, and it can easily detect fever, but it is not as accurate as other types.

It is vital to visit this website: https://athena-security.com/temperature-detection to learn more about cameras that can easily detect people with fever in real-time.

  • Rectal – Finally, rectal is the most accurate option, and it requires placing the thermometer at the rectum. Even though it is not the simplest and most comfortable option, it will provide you the most accurate readings compared with others. If you wish to use it, we recommend you to apply some form of lubricant on the tip and insert half an inch into the rectum. You will be able to do it with an oral one, but some of them are entirely made for rectal application. Remember that they are perfect for infants, especially since they are accurate, but you have to follow the guidelines to avoid hurting your younglings.

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